One of my work colleague noticed than it’s a little special that at the end of every publication I write “ Price ” to say how much I payed the drawing (or not when it’s a request, love this). As him, when I say “ price ” it’s like how much I sell the drawing, maybe the idea is great but don”t think I’ll do it for the moment (these drawing are mine… ;p) maybe I decided to change it so I’ll write “ cost “… Maybe I’m curious like his remark if he was the only who noticed that mistake or no one here fund the time post a little comment and say it… ;p
This time it's the last dedication from the Lyon's Comics Festival, drew by Amandine, an other member of the Nekomix asociation like DRAC who drew Rosalina in the previous post. At start I really hesitate to buy a Nekomix book and dedicate it but when I see a drawing Amandine just finisht I thought "Rosalina will be awesome with her style, I will be an awesome publication for my blog".

In french we say "the best for the end" that's why this drawign is the last from the festival, it's a really beautifull watercolor butwhen I think to Amandine art I'm always sad don't have the second character, the project is to show Rosalina with a lot of other characters and I have a lot of solo here... Must change that, hope Amandine will have more time at the next meeting, but not sure it happend, so bad... T_T
MAybe if you are french, understand it or are curious about Amandine, don't hesitate to take a look to her blog: not a lot of publications but some really cute drawing, maybe there is a little bug in her site, links on the left don't work, so can't see other pages, if somebody know how fix that
Artist: Amandine / Cost: two books at 20$
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