samedi 25 août 2012

OC => Gothic team => Aube and Kiseki

Just see a video of Nekomi nerowear and now you can be sure I want it, and for people who don"t know what I mean, more info here: Maybe the product cost 95$ so it's pretty expensive at start but officials sites only work for Japan and United States... Don"t want one at 170$ on Ebay so if you know something helpfull, don't hesitate post a comment, thanks guys... ^^

Crying time is now over, because I'm glat the show you a new drawing... I know it was a long since since my previous submission but there is some drawings complete so I must do my best publish these... An you can be sure they are awesome... Oh yeah... XD

Don"t know if you remember Alyson, she already participate to the blog drawing a cute Rosalina with her cursed princess (see it here if you are curious) maybe she send me 2 new drawings involving Rosalina with some so cute OC... Maybe Alyson's characters are cute but not the same thing for her story... It's pretty... scary... XD

So for this new submission Rosalina meet two loli gothics, Kiseki on the left and Aube on the right... I think the look just sooo cute and adorable Alyson have a lovely style, but now you will see what she have in mind about her two characters... ^^

Aube is a blindit orphan wealthy heiress who at the beginning Alyson's series survive  to a plane crash landing after men of its family tried to kill her. She landed on an unknown island where villagers take in Aube, but finally sell her for the safety of the village... Maybe she's crused too...

Kiseki is from the same serie, her parents where sacrified for the island's divinities and they just say to Keseki it was an accident, to be fast... So you understand why I said lovely but scary at the same time... Poor girls... T_T

Artist: Alyson   /  Price: Request
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